Why Having a Daily Prayer Journal Is a Good Idea?

Every day we start our day with so many hopes and ambitions, but at the end of the day, we all get so tired and frustrated that we feel lost and defeated. To get out of this situation, keeping a prayer journal is a good idea. Many people keep journals as a hobby to give definition and structure to their life. You can also use journaling to jot down your thoughts and get clarity.

prayer journal

People who follow the practice of keeping a prayer journal often found useful insights and a new meaning of different experiences. The three main benefits that you can gain from journaling are:

Focus: Regular writing will help you increase your concentration on important tasks and have better control over your thoughts.

Relationship: Writing all your prayers in a diary gives you a way to connect to God and convey all your positive and negative emotions, fears, and aspirations. It helps build a bond between you and God.

Testimony: At some point when you revise your prayer journal you will find out that most of the wishes you mentioned in the journal got fulfilled and this is the evidence that God exists and manifests itself in different ways.

So, if you haven’t started writing a prayer journal, then you should follow the below tips and start your own dream or inspiration journal.

How to start writing a prayer journal or diary on a daily basis?

Start writing: This might seem like stupid advice, but it isn’t one. Starting a new habit is the hardest part. Don’t fall in the trap of over planning and over-evaluation because that won’t improve your writing skills. You may be a good speaker and fluent in various languages but inscribing your thoughts into words in a beautiful manner is a difficult task. So, start small and start writing about your ambitions, dreams, struggles, issues, moments of happiness, scriptures, innovative ideas, songs, poetry, etc.

diary & journaling

Keep it Simple: You do perform many tasks daily as those are your responsibilities. However, journaling is more of an art or hobby rather than work. So, there is no compulsion of doing it every day. You can write daily, once a week or multiple times a day. Some people prefer to write prayer journals at night as that time they are usually unoccupied and can retrospect the experiences of that day. Writing a diary or journal will provide you an outlet to the muddled thoughts and which will, in turn, help you to get closer to your goals.

daily planner

Keep a record of your prayers: All the prayers that you have made to your God or wishes that you want to be fulfilled should be written in your hardcover journal with date and time. This way, you could keep track of all your prayers, and you can find out how many of those wishes turned out to be true.

Keep journaling and make progress spiritually: If you continue the habit of journaling for the long term, then you will start to recognize all the benefits that other people experience. You can also use your prayer journal to write inspiring Bible verses, quotes, or notes which help you understand your spirituality.

inspiration journal

Some tips for writing your prayer journal

  • Maintain an index at the beginning to keep track of all the notes you have taken
  • Mark with date and time on each entry you make in your prayer journal
  • Find a quiet place for journal writing and meditation
  • You can also create separate sections in your notebook, such as prayer, praise, scripture, study, and notes

Maintaining a prayer journal doesn’t cost too much time and efforts. Therefore, you should use this habit to learn more about God and to get in touch with the ideas and thoughts of your subconscious.

If you have never used a prayer journal, then you can buy one of the custom imprinted prayer journal available at USA Custom Pad. So, get your personalized inspiration journal and start writing.