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Vinyl Autograph Books

Vinyl cover autograph books are available in 14 different stock colors; black, burgundy, royal blue, navy blue, yellow, white, red, purple, green and pink. A 7" x 4 3/4" vinyl autograph book comes with a bound cover sheet plus 50 blank sheet pad included. Blank, custom imprinting, stock imprinting and full-color vinyl covers are available to purchase.

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394-0 Blank Vinyl Autograph Book Covers

Size Description 1 25 50 100 250 500 1000
7" x 4 3/4" 394-0 Blank Covers $3.50 $3.10 $2.75 $2.45 $2.20 $2.00 $1.85

394-0 Blank Vinyl Autograph Book Covers W/ Stock Autograph Book Insert

Available in 14 Stock Colors : White, Light Gray, Dark Gray, Brown, Black, Navy Blue, Royal Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Burgundy, Purple & Pink

Stock Autograph Insert includes Stock Cover Page & 50 Blank White Sheets

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395-0 Vinyl Autograph Book Covers

Size Description 1 25 50 100 250 500 1000
7" x 4 3/4" 395-0 Stock Imprint Covers $3.65 $3.25 $2.90 $2.60 $2.35 $2.15 $2.00

395-0 Vinyl Autograph Book Covers W/ Stock “Autographs” Imprint & Stock Autograph Book Insert

Available in 14 Stock Colors : White, Light Gray, Dark Gray, Brown, Black, Navy Blue, Royal Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Burgundy, Purple & Pink

Stock Autograph Insert includes Stock Cover Page & 50 Blank White Sheets

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1911-0 Vinyl Autograph Book Covers

Size Description 25 50 100 250 500 1000
7" x 4 3/4" 1911-0 Custom Imprinted Covers $4.75 $3.70 $3.05 $2.60 $2.30 $2.15

1911-0 Vinyl Autograph Book Covers W/ Custom 1 Color Imprint & Stock Autograph Book Insert

Available in 14 Stock Colors : White, Light Gray, Dark Gray, Brown, Black, Navy Blue, Royal Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Burgundy, Purple & Pink

Imprint Color Options : Gold or Silver Metallic Foil - Several Other Colors Available Upon Request

Stock Autograph Insert includes Stock Cover Page & 50 Blank White Sheets

Please email your imprint artwork to to receive your digital proof. All custom orders require customer approved E-proofs prior to production.

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1912-0 Vinyl Autograph Book Covers

Size Description 25 50 100 250 500 1000
7" x 4 3/4" 1912-0 Full Color Imprinted Covers 5.95 4.50 3.65 3.05 2.75 2.55

1912-0 Vinyl Autograph Book Covers W/ Custom Full Color Imprint & Stock Autograph Book Insert

Full Color Digital File Printed on White Vinyl

Stock Autograph Insert includes Stock Cover Page & 50 Blank White Sheets

Please email your imprint artwork to to receive your digital proof. All custom orders require customer approved E-proofs prior to production.

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To order, please choose a color.

Vinyl - Cover Choices

[Cover Choices & Pricing]

Purple vinyl autograph book covers

Blank Vinyl Covers

Purple vinyl cover.

Blank Vinyl Covers

Item # 394-0

red my autograph book with stars red cover

Stock Imprint Covers

Red vinyl cover with "My Autograph Book" with stars design.

Stock Imprint Vinyl Covers

Item # 395-0

Custom green vinyl cover

Custom Imprint Covers

Logo imprinted on a green cover.

Custom Imprint Vinyl Covers

Item # 1911-0

full color digital image on white vinyl autograph book

Full-Color Vinyl Covers

Custom image printed on white vinyl autograph books.

Full Color Vinyl Covers

Item # 1912-0

full color image of school on vinyl autograph book

Full-Color Covers

Elementary school image on white vinyl cover.


full color vinyl high school autograph book

Autograph Covers

High school class graduation image digitally printed on white vinyl cover.

Full Color

full color digitally printed autograph book on white vinyl

Full Color Covers

Image of 3rd graders class digitally printed on white vinyl.


full color digital print on white vinyl autograph book

Memory Books

Full-color digital print on white vinyl covers.

Full-Color Vinyl

Autograph Books and Custom Printed Covers

Every autograph is as distinctive as the person who signs it. A signed autograph book is a keepsake to cherish for years to come. You can reflect on the signatures of friends and relatives any time you want to remember a special trip to Disney World or an event such as a wedding or a graduation celebration. Autograph books are also great for a theme party or promoting new products or special events throughout the years.

Autograph books are the hit of any graduation party. If you want to capture a moment in time, have your friends sign their names and ask them to write down a memory of your time in school together. If you're looking for deals on blank autograph books, you'll find the best selection and the lowest prices online.

Autograph Books for Less

Many party planners select blank autograph books in bright cheery colors, while businesses may select professional-looking shades like navy blue, Burgundy and black. When shopping online, always look for a retailer that offers plenty of colors and styles to choose from.

If you're looking to buy autograph books and have them customized with your logo, the dates of a special event or even a motivational saying, you'll find the most competitive prices from You can select from wire bound leatherette autograph books in up to 15 different colors as well as colored board covers. There are also refined-looking vinyl covered books available, featuring up to 50 pages for signing and leaving anecdotes.

Custom Autograph Books

If you're like most people, you probably get out your high school year book every once in a while and reflect on old friends and good times. In addition to nostalgic old photos, most yearbooks feature signatures and sentiments from high school classmates and friends. You can recreate the thrill of yearbook signing by ordering custom autograph books featuring your school logo, your company name or even an inspirational saying on the cover.

Many people create entire theme parties or promotional events around custom autograph books. If you're organizing a convention or planning a group trip to Hollywood, for example, custom autograph books may get participants in the mood for sightseeing and celebrity gawking. There's just something about asking a new friend for his autograph or a business associate for a quote or funny thought that helps to break the ice and get people talking.

Custom Autograph Books for Sporting Events

Custom autograph books are great for sports teams and athletic associations. If you're traveling around the country or you're traveling from school to school, you can gather names of your teammates and your rivals. You can use custom autograph books to record scores, store team photos and even write motivational sayings.

If you're the owner of a professional or amateur team you can create promotional materials using autograph books featuring your signature logo. Work with a company like and you'll save big on bulk orders. Give your fans a memento they'll treasure for the rest of their lives by creating custom autograph books for your organization.

We have a wide selection of autograph books to purchase online.

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